
How the scores for each municipality are calculated.

Scores are calculated in three ways:

  1. Using raw numbers, in the categories water, conflict, and inequality;
  2. Proportionally by population of municipality, in the categories agrotoxins and violence;
  3. Proportionally by land area of municipality, in the categories deforestation, wildfires, and mining;


The number of conflicts by municipality was obtained using research by the CPT. In the CPT’s database, a single conflict may affect more than one municipality. As such, the municipalities were taken into account for each instance of conflict. The raw number of conflicts was used to classify scores, without adjustment for land area or population.


The most recent data for the Municipal Human Development Index is from 2010. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) ranking was adapted for creation of the bands:

Municipal Human Development Index (IDH-M) Band
0 (no data) 0
0,001-0,499 5
0,500-0,599 4
0,600-0,699 3
0,700-0,799 2
0,800-1,000 1


Information on mining processes was obtained using open data from the National Mining Agency (ANM). Figures were calculated by municipality and year, and adjusted using the following formula:

Mining score =


x 1000


The number of fires for each municipality was calculated using data from INPE’s BDQueimadas platform. We looked at the fires in the Legal Amazon between 2011 and 2020 which were recorded by INPE’s ‘reference satellite’ (AQUA-MT).

Figures were calculated by municipality and year, and adjusted using the following formula:

Wildfires score =


x 1000


The data for deforestation was obtained using INPE’s Prodes system. The data used was for increases in deforestation by municipality and by year, in the period 2011 to 2020. The increase in deforestation was adjusted for the area of the municipality, using the following formula:

Deforestation score =


x 1000


The data consists of reports of exogenous intoxication registered on Sinan-Net and were obtained from the platform Tabnet – DataSUS, from the Ministry of Health. The criteria applied for the sample were:

  • Reports by municipality of residence and year of first symptoms.
  • Toxic agent: a toxin used in agriculture.
  • Circumstance: habitual, accidental, or environmental use.
  • Final classification: confirmed case of intoxication.
  • Period: 2011-2020.

The reports were adjusted for the size of the municipal population, using the following formula:

Agrotoxins score =


x 100000


The data was obtained from the platform Tabnet – DataSUS, from the Ministry of Health. The criteria applied for the sample were:

  • Hospital morbidity in the Unified Health System (SUS) due to external causes.
  • Hospitalizations by municipality of residence and year.
  • Wider group of causes: interpersonal violence classified under ICD 10 codes X85-Y09.
  • Period: 2011-2020.

The reports were adjusted according for the size of the municipal population, using the following formula:

Violence score =


x 100000


Data on water use permits were downloaded from the National Water Agency's open data, aggregated by municipality and year. Only the grants with the purpose of right of use were filtered.


Each category is divided into bands, ranging from 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest). The value 0 corresponds to municipalities for which there is no information or with no instances registered for the chosen category. Apart from the ‘Inequality’ category described above, the bands were divided according to the following criteria:

Band Cut-off point
5 Scores above Q3 + 3*IIQ (outliers, identified in this script)
4 Above 3*(Q3/4) up to Q3
3 Above 2*(Q3/4) up to 3*(Q3/4)
2 Above Q3/4 up to 2*(Q3/4)
1 Above 0 up to Q3/4
0 No information/no instance registered


  • ID: unique, five-digit identification of record/line.
  • LENTE: category to be highlighted.
  • CD_MUN: six-digit municipality identification from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
  • UF: state
  • NM_MUN: name of municipality
  • ANO: year of instance
  • VALOR: number of reports, instances, etc.
  • VALOR_PADRONIZADO: the column “VALOR” after adjustment for area or population, used to calculate the bands.
  • FAIXAS: the bands from 0 to 5, calculated according to “VALOR_PADRONIZADO”
  • TEXTO: text highlighting some feature of the municipality according to the category.

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